MEEE Program » Program Overview

Program Overview


Program Philosophy:

The MEEE program is a comprehensive integrated preschool program able to meet the varied needs of students that enter the program academically, emotionally, behaviorally, and physically through ongoing training, the development of protocols to use through the transitional process, and the engagement of parents in a data driven program. The program has been structured to provide a menu of programming options, and opportunities to meet with parents on a regular basis to assure carry over into the home setting.

Parents are provided with the support and training necessary to become effective, inclusive partners in the educational process for their children. Students are provided with a stimulating environment that enhances skill development through inclusive programming options. This will increase their ability to transition into kindergarten with a strong foundation and lifelong love for learning.


    • A student centered curriculum with the IEP as a foundation and individualized to meet the needs of every student. Each child has distinct needs and abilities, skills taught should meet a functional need in the child’s life and will provide practice on target skills within the context of the preschool setting.
    • Focused interventions to learn functional communication and social skills.
    • In order to provide the most effective program possible, and to review the
      effectiveness of interventions, data will be collected to analyze the child’s growth on a regular basis. Data systems are integrated within the setting so they are unobtrusive.
    • Related services to the greatest extent possible are interwoven into the child’s daily schedule to provide for the practice of skills within a natural environment.
    • Services are delivered within the classroom setting as an integrated model rather than in isolation. This provides all personnel the basic skills and techniques they would use to continue targeted skill practice when the therapist is not in the room.
    • To teach students to participate and interact positively in the physical and social environments. This includes group activities through developmentally appropriate play skills in a caring, inclusive, and relaxed atmosphere.
    • Students will learn problem solving skills and develop the needed skills to explore and interact, both in and out of the classroom setting.
    • Language acquisition and concept development through center based activities as well as group learning at the appropriate developmental level.
    • Students will be exposed to creative movement activities to teach basic motor skills and to enhance existing motor skills.
    • To establish parent to parent and school to family partnerships as children progress within the program. 
    • A common planning time amongst the professional personnel will be established to include discussions of:
      • New referrals
      • Student progress
      • Goals
      • Schedules
      • Center development and assessment
      • Data management