Special Services Referral » Section 2

Section 2


Directions: To begin, read the questions that are contained in Section 2. These questions are divided into six developmental areas including Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Adaptive, Cognitive, Social-Communication, and Social. Answers to the questions should produce information that will help the team better understand specific actions and skills that your child does regularly; for example, can your child walk up and down stairs or can your child use words? It is important for you to watch your child perform a skill before placing a rating in the box to the right of each question. In some cases, you may have to encourage your child to perform an action. Several questions have lettered sub-items that will help you provide more detailed information on actions or skills that your child performs. At the end of each developmental area, space is provided for you to indicate the actions or skills in that area that you believe are important for your child to learn next. At the end of Section 2, space is provided for you to prioritize the most important actions or skills for your child to learn. This information should help you in the development of your child's IFSP/IEP goals/objectives.

            Space is provided at the top of each page in Section 2 to write the date each time you complete this form. In addition, a box is provided for you to write a "Y" if you feel that your child performs the skill or action 'described in the question, an "S" if you feel that your child performs the skill or action sometimes to partly, and an "N" if you feel that your child does not yet perform the skill or action. If caregivers are unable to observe an item, then a question mark can be inserted in the box. When to use the "Y," "S," or "N" is described next.

            Yes ("Y") is used if your child performs the action or skill described in the question. Also use a "Y" if your child previously was able to do the action or skill described in the question; for example, if the question asks if your child can say words and now your child uses sentences, then write a "Y" in the box for this question.

             Sometimes ("S") is used if your child does not consistently perform, partially performs, or needs assistance to perform the action or skill described in the question; for example, if your child sometimes takes off his or her coat but usually requires adult help to do so, then write an "S" in the box for this question.

             Not Yet ("N") is used if your child does not perform the action or skill described in the question; for example, if your child does not use words to describe past events, then write on "N" in the box for this ques-

             It is important to remember that depending on your child's age and ability, he or she may not perform all of the actions or skills contained in Section 2.