Special Services Referral » Fine Motor

Fine Motor

Fine motor skills are those that involve the use of the hands. These skills include handling objects, using scissors and writing implements, drawing shapes, writing letters, and printing the child's first name.
1.  Does your child use two hands to touch, play, or move small objects, with each hand being used separately? For example, string small beads or button small buttons. (Al )        
2.  Does your child use scissors to cut out shapes such as circles and ovals by cutting close to the line? (A2)        
3.  Does your child grasp and use a pencil or crayon using only three fingers? (B I )        
4.  Does your child draw or print shapes or figures that resemble letters? (B2)
5.  Without help, does your child print his or her own first name? The letters must be in the correct order but can be upside down or backward. (B3)        
What fine motor skills do you want your child to learn?