Special Services Referral » Social Area

Social Area


Social skills are those that involve interactions and participation with others as well as meeting bodily needs. These skills include playin with others, managing conflict, taking part in group activities, following rules, showing preferences, identifying emotions, and knowing personal information.

1.  Does your child play with other children? (Al )        
2.  Does your child begin activities and encourage friends to join in? For example, your child says to friends, "Come on, let's build a house" and then gives them jobs to do. (A2)        

3. Does your child find ways to stop conflicts? (A3)


NOTE: Place a "Y," "S," or "N" by items a through c:













  1. Does your child try to find a solution to disagreements with playmates? For example, when your child is not getting along with a friend, your child says, "I'll play with the ball first, and then it's your turn." (A3. I )

  2. Does your child tell an adult when he or she is having trouble with a friend? (A3.2)

  3. Does your child claim a toy that belongs to him or her by taking the toy back or by saying, "That's mine!" (A3.3)


4. Does your child begin playing with toys and finish the activity without being told? For example, your child gets out a puzzle, puts it together, and puts it away. (B l )


5. Does your child take part in a small group activity with adult supervision? (B2)


6. Does your child take part in a large group activity with adult supervision? (B3)

7.  Can your child meet his or her physical needs? (Cl )

NOTE: Place a "Y," "S," or "N" by items a through c:















  1. Does your child ask for help when uncomfortable, sick, hurt, or tired? (Cl . l)

  2. Does your child take care of his or her own physical needs? For example, your child washes his or her dirty hands or takes off wet clothes. (Cl .2)

  3. Does your child ask for or get food or drink when hungry or thirsty? (Cl .3)



8. Does your child follow rules in places outside of his or her home or school? For example, your child follows rules to stay seated during a bus ride or follows directions to not touch food in the grocery store. (C2)


9.  Does your child tell you what he or she likes and does not like? For example, your child says, "1 love chocolate cake," or "l don't like to play football." (DI )


10. Does your child understand how his or her behavior affects others? For exampie, after pushing another child, your child says, "I'm sorry," or your child chooses to play with a child who is alone. (D2)


NOTE: Place a "Y," "S," or "N" by items a and b:












  1. Does your child correctly identify the emotions of others when they are hurt, sad, angry, or happy?

  2. Does your child correctly identify his or her own emotions when he or she is hurt, sad, angry, or happy? (D2.2)


11.  Does your child know personal information about self and others? (D3)


NOTE: Place a "Y," or "N" by items a through f:


















  1. Does your child know own address, including number, street, and town? (D3. l)

  2. Does your child know own telephone number? (D3.2)

  3. Does your child know own birthday, including the month and the day? (D3.3)

  4. Does your child know brother's and sister's first names and own first and iast name? (D3.4)

  5. Does your child know whether he or she and others are boys or girls? (D3.5)

  6. Does your child know own first name and age? (D3.6)


Intervention Priorities


Please list the most important intervention priorities for your child.   __________________ (date)


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Please list the most important intervention priorities for your child.   __________________ (date)


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Please list the most important intervention priorities for your child.   __________________ (date)


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Please list the most important intervention priorities for your child.   __________________ (date)


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4.  ________________________________________________


What social skills do you want your child to learn?