Special Services Referral » Gross Motor

Gross Motor


Gross motor skills involve moving and getting around in one's surroundings. These skills include running, walking, jumping, playing with balls, skipping, and riding a bicycle.

1.  Does your child run around large toys, furniture, and people without bumping into them? (A1)        
2.  Does your child walk up and down stairs, putting one foot on each stair, without holding onto a handrail or wall? (A2)        
3.  Does your child jump forward with feet together using arms to go forward? (B1)        
4.  Does your child catch and kick balls? (B2)


NOTE: Place a "Y," "S," or "N" by items a through d:












  1. Does your child bounce a large ball at least twice in a row? (B2. l )
  2. Does your child catch o ball thrown from 6 to 10 feet, using both hands? (B2.2)
  3. Does your child kick a ball placed in front of him or her, without falling? (B2.3)
  4. Does your child throw a ball forward with one hand, using an overhand throw? (B2.4)
5.  Does your child skip at least 15 feet? (B3)        

6.  Does your child ride and steer a two-wheel bicycle without training wheels at least 20 feet? (84)

What gross motor skills do you want your child to learn?